
Informal Market Activations (Sampilng)

CLIENT: Soco 42
LOCATIONS: Gauteng, Port Elizabeth, Umtata, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Nelspruit, Pretoria


Mass Sampling, Brand Awareness, Consumer Experiences;


Ampd successfully facilitated this campaign for 3 consecutive years and achieved more than 10 000 brand activation hours. Our high visibility and sampling not only help entrench the brand in the communities, it also increased an uplift and demand for their product in the Spaza shops within the areas activated.


Ampd provided support by provided a large team of expertly managed brand activators who visited several areas within townships to sample mass product to consumers. We were in charge of the recruitment, screening, placement and management of these teams. We were also in charge of assisting with the where to visit and when (activation and calendar management). Over and above this we assisted on all stock and logistic management + daily reporting on our successes